主要研究 research examines the impact of rising water temperatures on channeled whelk reproduction

  • Two hands hold up several strands of whelk egg casings in the Coastal Marine Lab.
  • 一位科学家向镜头展示了一长串的海螺卵壳.
  • 主要研究研究员伊丽莎白·费尔柴尔德站在海岸海洋实验室, 拿着几个螺蛋壳.

在澳门葡京网赌游戏 海岸海洋实验室 (CML),研究副教授 伊丽莎白仙童 is investigating how the changing temperature of coastal marine waters off Massachusetts might be impacting the number of offspring produced by an aquatic species that’s part of one of the region’s most valuable – yet lesser known – fisheries: 引导青春痘 (Busycotypus canaliculatus).

引导青春痘, 一种原产于美国东部水域的大型食肉海螺, 横跨从马萨诸塞州到北卡罗来纳州的沿海水域. 然而, high international demand (with some markets offering as much as $5 per pound of whelk meat), as well as increased fishing caused by the shrinking of other regional fisheries like lobster, 已经导致了一些U.S. 各州的海螺渔业. 费尔柴尔德是一名科学家 新罕布什尔州农业实验站, is studying how to make whelk fisheries more sustainable using different traps and 鱼饵类型. 作为这些研究的一部分, she’s also examining potential changes to whelk eggs by using specimens collected from Martha’s Vineyard over the past 12 years.

在最近访问CML期间, 费尔柴尔德举起一对触须生物, showing the uniquely ridged structure and the semi-translucent accordion-like folds of the “creatures”. 这些是海螺的卵串.

“We began studying these beautiful and complex egg strings to learn more about the morphology and reproductive potential of channeled whelk and their eggs, 哪些是以前没有研究过的,仙童解释道. “随着我们研究数据的不断增长, I realized we could also investigate how climate change and rising water temperatures may impact fertility and reproduction of the whelk.”

她补充说, “现在 we’re also studying if changes in water temperature are impacting the structure and morphology of these eggs, 以及雌性海螺产生的胚胎数量.”

仙童公司正在编制五套数据集, 从2011年到2023年在玛莎葡萄园岛的泻湖池塘收集的, that include information about egg string size and hatch rate to determine if rising water temperatures have impacted (either positively or negatively) channeled whelk reproduction. 最终, this research will help inform whether Massachusetts’ coastal waters will continue to provide an ideal environment for channeled whelk, 以及这会如何影响那里的渔业.

仙童公司正在与 雪莱·埃德蒙森16G,执行董事和创始成员 玛莎葡萄园渔民保护信托基金. Edmundson began collecting the whelk egg strings used in this research as part of her Ph.D. 在香港大学的研究. 现在, student research technicians in Fairchild’s lab are dissecting the egg strings that were laid in 2023.

Collaborative research led by 主要研究 scientists and alum aims to make the channeled whelk industry more sustainable and result in the resurgence of the species, 以及保存马蹄蟹, which are often used a whelk bait and are already at risk due to their unique blue blood that is prized by the biomedical industry.